The Second Thought On Roblox Games: Good Or Bad?

In light of the recent viral news about a Malaysian gamer, Cikgu Zyd, creating a custom map on Roblox for a virtual solidarity rally in support of Palestine and Gaza, the question arises – is Roblox good or bad for our kids? The map, designed by Cikgu Zyd, garnered over 1.6 million views, prompting him to add servers due to the increasing demand from online gamers wanting to join the virtual assembly.
Times have indeed changed, and our approach to educating young minds must evolve accordingly. We can’t deny the prevalence of technology and the trend of online gaming among today’s youth, as it has become an integral part of their era. Unlike the past, where physical activities like playing soldiers, camping, river baths, playing ball, or tag with friends were more common, offering various physical and interpersonal benefits, today’s era is characterized by a significant shift toward online engagement. Work, shopping, reading materials, and even meetings have transitioned to the online realm.
Labeling Roblox or online games as inherently harmful might be illogical. Similar to the past activities of children, they come with their own set of risks. This includes unsupervised play, spending excessive time engaging in outdoor activities, and the potential hazards associated with playing in distant and unmonitored locations.
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1 November 2023